Village Voice To Quit Print Publication

The Village Voice was founded in 1955 by Dan Wolf, Ed Fancher and Norman Mailer, and for decades it sold a weekly version thick with classified ads. Its mix of political and cultural coverage created a model for alternative weeklies around the country, many of which have since folded. In 1996, facing competition from publications like Time Out New York and The New York Press, it changed to free distribution to boost circulation numbers, but gradually it came to rely on ads for sex and escort services for revenue. Under its current ownership, the paper eliminated sex advertising and increased its print distribution to 120,000 copies.

Here’s What TV Actors In Hollywood Make

Among the winners in the past year on the drama side were Robert De Niro, who is in line to receive an eye-popping $775,00 per episode for the untitled Amazon drama series from director David O. Russell. Other big gainers include “Shameless” stars Emmy Rossum and William H. Macy and the “Ozark” duo of Jason Bateman and Laura Linney.

Russia Detains Prominent Theatre Director

The director, Kirill S. Serebrennikov, leads the Gogol Center, one of the most prominent and progressive artistic venues in Moscow. He is accused of working with accomplices to misappropriate 68 million rubles, or $1.1 million at current exchange rates, that had been awarded to Studio Seven, a theater production company he led.

Edinburgh Fringe Festival Is The Biggest Festival In The World (Is That A Problem?)

Some locals worry that the festival is becoming an open-air museum paralyzed by tourists. “There is a debate about whether it’s too big and the city can sustain it,” said Donald Wilson, who is in charge of culture for the City Council. “But it’s not going to become a hollow museum like Venice. It’s too much a part of the city’s soul, and too participatory.”

AI-Composed Music – Can You Tell It Hasn’t Been Written By A Human?

Using AI music creation software by Amper, Southern plugged in various parameters like mood, style, and tempo to auto-compose the underlying chords and instrumentation. The album will even be distributed online through Stem, a platform that allows royalties to be divvied up between various creators. So not only will machines write music in the future, they might even get paid.