New Computer Effects Can Replace Real Star Actors

“Scientists have developed systems to make digital doubles of actors which are so realistic that audiences will never notice the difference. Computer-generated visual effects have long since been used by film-makers to create space ships and monsters. But the latest technology allows them to create models of real people that can be seamlessly morphed into action scenes featuring human actors.”

Damien Hirst Bypasses The Galleries – The End Of The Gallery System As We Know It?

“What does it mean for the art market that a living artist bypasses dealers altogether and sells his wares directly at auction? There is some speculation that this might be a pivotal moment, like the end of the studio system in movies or the continuing decline of the record labels in the music business. Could the gallerist’s traditional role as mediator between the contemporary artist and his market be passé?”

The Best Political Art? It’s On The Streets

“This year, some of the most arresting images in the race for the White House are not the work of ad agencies, political consultants or photojournalists but of a subculture of artists who use the streets as their canvas. Their pro-Obama work — there is no similar phenomenon for John McCain — has been spotted everywhere, even Paris and Beijing. It’s an odd twist in the world of street art.”