Asheville Art Museum Flirting With Financial Disaster, Says Former Mayor

“Former Asheville mayor and city manager Ken Michalove, who has been dogging the footsteps of the Asheville Art Museum for nearly two years, now says it is headed for bankruptcy unless it ramps up its own fundraising, sticks to its original goals and stops trying to adjust its game plan and financial reports so as to qualify for city and county money.”

Tattoo Artists Starting To Assert Their Copyrights With Famous Clients

These days, tattoo artists for athletes have started to pay more attention to their rights. And those worries aren’t necessarily frivolous, says Tim Bradley, an intellectual property attorney. He says copyright law is actually very friendly to the artist, and that protections kick in once you’ve shown a “modicum of creativity” in your design and you’ve put it on a “tangible medium.”

No, We Are Not In A Golden Age Of Journalism, Whatever Techie Utopians May Say

“A true golden age of journalism, if it is to last more than a few ephemeral years subsidized by check-writing billionaires and venture-capital speculation, will require that publishers make a profit and writers and reporters can make a decent living. … If you are lucky, you might be able to command a freelance pay rate that hasn’t budged in 30 years. But more people than ever work for nothing.”

Student Actors In Ramallah Use Theatre To Tell Their Stories As Palestinians

“Festival participants included Palestinian students from the West Bank, a group of 12th-graders from Tromsø, Norway, actors from the UK, and trainers from Germany, Egypt and Romania who gave workshops in dance, drama, comedy and performance art. The final group performance included a movement piece reflecting the dynamics of street protest, a sketch about Palestinian detainees in Israeli prisons, Commedia dell’Arte scenes and monologues about self-image and harassment.”