Nureyev Documentary – Filling In The Blanks

“Some may grouse that his Nureyev film is not really a dance film. The dance sequences are just snippets, but the oral history fills in many blanks. Many of the talking heads — early teachers, childhood acquaintances, dancers, fans, admirers, an old flame Nureyev seriously considered marrying — are quoted in the Kavanagh biography, but none register in print as memorably or as vividly as here.”

Art Rising In The West(ern)

The Coeur d’Alene auction of western art was first held in 1985. “That year, there were 132 lots and it brought in $200,000. Last year there were 276 lots fetching $27.4 million, a record that many thought could not be matched. Last month Mr. Stremmel raced through 307 lots in under five hours to bring in $35.4 million, or about $28 million, if you strip away a cache of French Impressionist and Latin American masters that were oddly tucked into this year’s sale.”

PBS Ups Latino Programming

After the flap over the lack of hispanics in Ken Burns’ WWII documentary, PBS seems to be airing more hispanic programs. “PBS spokeswoman Lea Sloan said it was unfair to credit the Burns controversy for all of this activity, and noted that PBS already airs more Latino-oriented programming than other mainstream networks. But she did note that the episode caused PBS to work harder to reach out to this rapidly growing part of the population.”