ArtsJournal Is Hiring

ArtsJournal is expanding, and I need some help. I’m looking for a part time editor. The job involves culling stories from the publications we monitor (basically anything about the arts in English, worldwide) and choosing 10-15 stories per shift to feature on AJ. Details after the jump…

Anticipating Strike, Hollywood Production Shuts Down

“Filming of big-budget movies has ground to a virtual halt across the city and much of the county, a slowdown partly driven by scheduling decisions studios made a year ago to prepare for a possible actors strike. Only one major studio film, DreamWorks SKG’s sci-fi flick Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen, is shooting on location in Los Angeles, compared with seven studio films that were in production this time last year”

Canadian Music Business Assesses Impact Of Government Funding Cuts

“The federal funding has helped to generate $40 billion in cultural business: Last year, 21 Canadian companies, with financial assistance from ProMart, the Ontario government and the Canadian consulate, went to a music trade mission in Tokyo. Most of them came away with significant deals. The federal investment was $80,000, and $1.4 million in recording, distribution and touring contracts were signed.”

Why Is Classical Music Such A Crappy Experience On Rhapsody Or iTunes?

“Music sites that tell you Beethoven is the performer, that “Allegro” is the name of the piece, that the piano soloist might be the Berlin Philharmonic. I find these experiences endlessly frustrating. I don’t understand how something so simple has to be so hard to figure out. (I take that back. I do understand. Believe me, I really, really do. But it still makes me crazy.)”