The Science of Getting People Into Your Theatre

“How can presenters and producers persuade an often reluctant populace to take the plunge and see a show, often at considerable cost? And how important is it to “upgrade” the casual theatergoer – whose trip to the concert hall is limited to an annual “Phantom of the Opera” or “Wicked” pilgrimage – to the world of season-ticket commitments and seats in the orchestra instead of the third tier?”

Why Is Ballet Such A Tough Sell In Mexico?

“Mexico, known for its frenetic, heel-stomping folklorico dance, has had its share of prima ballerinas, including Elisa Carrillo, a principal dancer for the Berlin Ballet. But it’s virtually unheard of for Mexico to produce world-class male dancers. The image persists that ballet is for elites in a country of mostly working class and poor — and definitely not for boys.”