Al Jazeera America Debuts, And The Republic Survives

Lawrence Pintak finds that the news network hardly offered the “inflammatory programming” some conservative groups warned of. “Think NPR with pictures (and a little political baggage). The reporting was solid, the few ‘expert’ guests really were experts, interviews were, for the most part, intelligent, and the rundowns were a predictable mixture of the top stories of the day. ”

Linda Ronstadt Stricken With Parkinson’s Disease

“So I can’t sing at all. In fact I couldn’t sing for the last five or six years I appeared on stage, but I kept trying. I kept thinking, ‘What if I tried singing upside down? Or standing on my head? Or while juggling? [Laughs] Maybe I’d be able to sing better then. So I didn’t know why I couldn’t sing – all I knew was that it was muscular, or mechanical.”

The Myth Of A Definitive Shakespeare Text

“The notion that there’s a canonical text for any Shakespeare play is a myth imposed by the institution of publishing (in which Shakespeare didn’t take part), and the mechanics of printing. A printing press, whether a 17th century press or a modern offset press, is a device that can’t react to change. It’s a device that needs a stable, settled text. We create that text, and the myth behind that text, as part of the publishing enterprise.”