Men’s And Women’s Brains Are Indeed Different – But Only A Little

“Two years ago, a study of the differences between male and female brains caused a storm. The researchers, based at the University of Pennsylvania, claimed to have found that, from adolescence onwards, men’s brains have more connections within each hemisphere, whereas women’s brains have more cross-connections between the hemispheres.” Well, they’ve updated their findings.

What Ails Orchestra Thinking

“Something that became very clear to me soon after becoming Managing Director was that the apparent sense of harmony and collective excellence on-stage was not always evident in the interactions of the musicians with each other off-stage or with management.”

Why The BBC Needs To Be Saved

“When the media, communications and information industries make up nearly 8% our GDP, larger than the car and oil and gas industries put together, we need to be heard, as those industries are heard. But when I see the panel of experts who’ve been asked by the culture secretary to take a root and branch look at the BBC, I don’t see anyone who is a part of that cast and crew list. I see executives, media owners, industry gurus, all talented people – but not a single person who’s made a classic and enduring television show.”