How Many Decades Can A Woman Play The Ingenue On Broadway?

“I worked with my acting teacher Harold Guskin to help me create the edgiest possible performance. We found autoerotic, neurotic, nightmarish and subliminal obsessive layers everywhere in the plot. The morning after opening night, the word ‘lovely’ appeared twice in a review describing my character. I was ‘ever-lovely’ and in ‘lovely’ voice. Nothing else.”

Why Are Adults Confused When Kids Totally Get It, Asks An Author

“We are at a crossroads, trying to figure out what’s next, and in order to get to the other side, we have to wade in the water. Perhaps, this is us reckoning with our muddy past, crossing over the River Jordan. Even some of the antiquated questions being asked, some of the objectionable books that are being published, might, oddly, be necessary blunders that bring us closer to becoming more human. Like our students.”

Virtual Ballet Is A Reality

“Through a heavy VR goggles and headphones, the viewer is not served the choreography; he must turn his head to discover that the group of dancers – in white tutu and pointe shoes; so far, the picture is familiar – is arranged in a circle.” [Translated from Dutch using Google Translate]