YouTube Launches Meter To Tell You How Much Time You’ve Wasted On YouTube

“YouTube began rolling out its so-called digital wellbeing tools Monday morning, which include a dashboard that tells users how much time they’ve spent on the service watching videos. The Google-owned video service also recently launched a new feature that allows users to set reminders, alerting them when it’s time to take a break from binging.”

Visiting Art Museums Can Help Patients With Chronic Pain: Study

Researchers from UC-Davis “found that 57 percent of chronic-pain patients who attended a private hour-long tour” – branded as “Art Rx” – “of the galleries of the Crocker Art Museum in Sacramento, California, reported a decrease in their pain levels up to three weeks after the tour. Most participants also generally reported feeling less socially disconnected, a common byproduct of chronic pain.”

Watching Michelle Dorrance Choreograph Tap Steps On ABT

“‘Don’t look at the mirror, look at your feet,’ Michelle Dorrance corrects. Smiling at the counterintuitive suggestion, Gillian Murphy, Devon Teuscher and Christine Shevchenko — American Ballet Theatre principals accustomed to projecting up and out to opera house balconies — look down at their pointe shoes as they shuffle into a line of tight fifth positions. As polyrhythmic strains of music fill ABT’s studios, the trio flashes through small, quicksilver position changes while Teuscher quietly counts a steady 4/4 beat that isn’t yet audible in the music.”

How You Choreograph James Corden’s Street Broadway Productions In 45-Second Bites

“Once James [Corden] steps in, you want to laugh at everything, but what makes what we’re doing funny is that we take it very seriously. So I always have to tell the dancers: ‘You approach the crosswalk like this is Broadway. Like this is the best thing you’ve ever done in your life.’ And that’s what makes it so funny, because people that are driving by are like, Why is there a full-blown production in the street?

More On Creative Placemaking From Kresge Foundation Study

“Earlier this year, the Kresge Foundation published the first in a series of white papers to help grantmakers and practitioners more successfully integrate arts and culture into community development. … Kresge recently published the second white paper, ‘Creative Placemaking and Expansion of Opportunity — Observations and Reflections,’ which surveys the state of the rapidly evolving field … Here are some key takeaways.”

After Eight Months At Calgary Opera, CEO Keith Cerny Comes Back To Texas

“Cerny was, for seven years, the General Director and CEO of the Dallas Opera. His sudden resignation from there was announced in December 2017. Cerny took charge of the Calgary Opera in January 2018. He begins his [new job as CEO of the Fort Worth Symphony] in January 2019. In the news release, he cites the travel constraints as a big reason for moving back to Texas.”