Pornhub (Yes, Pornhub) Joins The Battle Against The Plastic Polluting The World’s Oceans

A new video titled Dirtiest Porn Ever shows us the basic sex on a beach — except that this beach is absolutely covered with plastic trash, which workers in Pornhub-branded protective suits pick up as the performers do their thing. Why Pornhub? Well, can you think of another site that has broader reach to raise awareness? (And with each view of the video, Pornhub will donate to a ship cleaning up an ocean garbage patch.) – Dezeen

Four Years Ago, Italy Tried To Reform The Way Its Major Museums Are Run. Did It Work? Yes And No …

“In August 2015, the then Italian culture minister, Dario Franceschini, announced the first 20 ‘super directors’ of national museums, granting those institutions fiscal autonomy for the first time and, in theory at least, far greater managerial independence.” With many of those directors’ initial contracts running out, and with the government possibly undoing the reforms, did they make a difference? Politically, probably not; practically, yes, in some ways. – Apollo

Moving Toward Fair Pay For Dancers

“The dance field isn’t immune to the ‘gig economy’ that’s disrupting everything from buying groceries to getting a ride to the airport. … So it’s no surprise that artists feel anxious about making ends meet. But this can also be an opportunity to discard old ways of doing business.” Zachary Whittenburg looks at “three movements towards fair pay in dance [that] have gained the most traction.” – Dance Magazine

A First: Edinburgh Fringe Ticket Sales Pass Three Million Mark

“A record overall tally of 3,012,490 for Fringe events was announced as the international and book festivals also reported a surge in business at the box office. The combined audience for cultural events in the city has topped four million when the 217,000 attendees at the Tattoo and the 290,000 estimated attendees at visual art festival shows and exhibitions are taken into account.” – The Scotsman