Where Do Zombies Come From? (Not From ‘Night Of The Living Dead’)

Actually, they come from Haitian vodou – specifically, “the belief that a bokor or witch-doctor can render their victim apparently dead … and then revive them as their personal slaves, since their soul or will has been captured. The zombie, in effect, is the logical outcome of being a slave: without will, without name, and trapped in a living death of unending labour.”

Frank Lloyd Wright House Picked Up And Moved To Arkansas

“The Bachman-Wilson House, a New Jersey home originally designed in 1954 by world-famous architect Frank Lloyd Wright for Abraham Wilson and Gloria Bachman, was being threatened by repeated flooding at its original location along the Millstone River.” So the Crystal Bridges Museum bought it and moved it, and “the house is scheduled to open to the public on November 11, 2015, the museum’s four-year anniversary.”

A Dance Critic Takes On ‘So You Think You Can Dance’

“While I may be impressed by the calibre of these performances, being ‘impressed’ has little to do with what I expect or want from dance. Imagine if critical engagement with literature centred on its ability to impress, rather than its ability to provoke thought and feeling, to trouble and inspire, to mitigate the disjuncture between our conscious and unconscious minds. The demotion in richness, in complexity of experience, would be self-evident.”

The Complete MoMA Art Collection – All Of It – Available To See Right Now

“For each piece, the database tells us the work’s title, some brief biographical information about the artist, the year of creation, the medium and dimensions, and how and when MoMA acquired it. These aren’t exactly trade secrets: It’s basically the data printed on the placards posted next to each painting. But, in MoMA’s case, it’s assembled in one place, comprehensive, easy to use, and recent. The museum made the database freely available online last month.”