Is Music Woven Into Our Genes?

“Music, Daniel J. Levitin argues, is not just something to help pass the time on road trips anda swell facilitator for meeting girls: it is, he writes,’the soundtrack of civilization’ — a force that shaped us as a species and prepared us for the higher-order task of sharing complex communications with one another.”

Document This (And This)

“We live in an age of conspicuous documentation. As digital cameras have proliferated, picture-taking has become compulsive: It is as if people fear that moments won’t exist unless they’ve been reduced to bits. No transgression goes undocumented, no inebriation goes unpublicized and no child goes un-camcorded.”

Discovery: Amazon Forest Was Once Cleared

“Huge swathes of the Western Amazon were cleared 600 years ago, though back then it wasn’t for logging, it was to make way for an urban network of towns, villages and hamlets. This means that decent chunks – some 20,000 square kilometres – of the Western Amazon forest is not, strictly speaking, what could be called “virgin” forest. It is what took over after local cultures were wiped out by European settlers and imported diseases and their towns and villages were left untended.”