Pressure Mounts On Apple To Rethink iTunes

“More than two-thirds of all paid-for downloads are bought from iTunes, and the store is now the biggest music retailer in the US, eclipsing Wal-Mart and other retail chains.” But “beleaguered record labels are stepping up their campaign to undermine iTunes, and rumours are swirling about a dramatic U-turn from Apple’s chief executive, Steve Jobs, over the way the iTunes store operates.”

Should The Public Give Money To Rich People For Their Art?

Two Titians might leave the UK if they are sold at auction. The owners want £100 million for them. ” If the paintings are not secured by the galleries, it is likely that they will be lost to the British viewing public and head overseas to richer galleries. Worse still, they could end up hanging in the hallway of a plutocrat’s mansion, hidden from view. They have only been on display in the National Galleries in London and Scotland for so long because of a loan deal agreed in 1945.”