On Reconciling Neuroscience, Atheism, And Meaning In the Universe

Christof Koch of Cal Tech: “I’m not a conventional atheist who believes it’s all just a random formation. I believe there is meaning. But as you said, I don’t believe in a personal god or any of the standard things that you’re supposed to believe as a Christian. … This God I have in mind is very ephemeral. It’s much closer to Spinoza’s God than to the God of Michelangelo’s Sistine Chapel.”

The Painted Pigeons Of St. Mark’s: An Art Project

“The colors range from brilliant blues and reds to vibrant greens and yellows, not to mention royal purple. The sudden appearance of the pigeons of St. Mark’s – considered so much a public nuisance that the local government made it illegal to feed them in 2008 – in something other than the standard gray seems to have delighted the tourists. But it also seems, perhaps just as predictably, to have outraged animal rights defenders.”