Protests (And Support) For Berlin’s Plans For The Old Masters

“German art historians, conservators and newspapers united to criticise plans to empty the Gemäldegalerie of its Old Masters for the sake of Modern art. ‘Save the Gemäldegalerie!’ was a headline that ran in four German newspapers. But the plan is beginning to find influential supporters, including Thomas Campbell, the director of New York’s Metropolitan Museum of Art.”

Moleskine Notebook: The App

The company that owns the brand “doesn’t want to be recognized merely as a notebook company. Their vast catalog now includes hundreds of niche products like beer journals, pencil sets, reading lights, and postal notebooks that turn into ready-to-mail letters.” Not to mention Moleskine iPad and Kindle covers (and the app, of course).

The Simpsons And South Park Restricted In Russia (They’re Too Violent For Children)

Because of a new law passed “with a view to protecting children and young adults from ‘information detrimental to their health and development’,” The Simpsons will air with the “Itchy and Scratchy Show” segments blacked out. (The broadcaster promises to do the blacking-out wittily.) And because the death of Kenny in every episode might upset youngsters, South Park will only be shown during late-night hours.

But Classic Soviet Cartoons Won’t Be Censored Under New Law (Despite All That Smoking)

“Russian news reports this week speculated that a law on protecting children that takes effect Saturday could require extensive cutting of episodes of the cartoon Nu Pogodi” – “Just You Wait,” a Road Runner-style show with a wolf perpetually chasing a rabbit – “because the villainous wolf is a heavy smoker.”