Copenhagen Abandons Daniel Libeskind Urban Development Plan, Scandinavia’s Largest

Ørestad, a built-from-scratch district near the Danish capital’s airport and the Øresund Bridge and tunnel to Sweden, is meant to be a “crossroads of Scandinavia” and to eventually hold 100,000.”But ten years into Ørestad’s life, planners have quietly discarded its signature project, the 2006 master plan for a downtown designed by the Polish-American architect Daniel Libeskind. Why?”

Feed The 99% And Let The 1% Starve: A Top Critic’s Manifesto For British Theatre Funding

Lyn Gardner: “We should be prepared to let institutions die. We should stop building bricks and mortar and empires, and rid ourselves of the belief that growth is a good thing for the arts. We should put money into the bottom of the pyramid, not the top – it is only by funding the bottom that we can create the future.”