Garrison Keillor Explains Why He’s Leaving His Radio Show (He’s Not A Radio Guy)

“No, no, I’m just a writer. I’m just a writer who looked to slip into radio as a way of supporting myself. … I’m at the end of a very long and pretty happy detour. … You invent a town with all these characters in it and story lines, and it’s been interesting, until you realize that you have created [wry laugh] an obligation to keep it going, for the listener. And it’s at that point that your inventiveness wanes. And you feel restless.”

Lucinda Childs Revives Her Legendary 1983 Collaboration With Frank Gehry And John Adams

The choreographer originally created Available Light, now seen as a Minimalist milestone in both dance and music, as a site-specific piece for Gehry’s Temporary Contemporary at Los Angeles’s Museum of Contemporary Art. This past spring at MASS MoCA, she and Gehry revised Available Light for a proscenium stage; the work was just presented in Berlin and (finally!) makes its East Coast premiere this week at the Philly Fringe Festival.

LA’s New Broad Museum – Ideas And Compromises

“The result is a streamlined ratio of exhibition to ancillary space, something increasingly rare in an age of museum bloat. The Broad has 50,000 square feet of gallery space — 35,000 on the third floor and 15,000 more on the first — in a building totaling 120,000 square feet. Renzo Piano’s new Whitney Museum in New York has the same amount of interior exhibition space in a building covering 220,000 square feet.”

Sculpture Of Chaliapin As Mephistopheles Vandalized By Russian Orthodox Radicals; Protesters Demand Restoration And Cossacks Fight Each Other

“Hundreds of St. Petersburg residents and cultural preservationists gathered on Sunday to protest the destruction of [the] bas-relief … The sculpture is offensive to Russian Orthodox believers according to a letter sent to Russian media by a Cossack who initially took credit for the removal. Another Cossack leader denounced him as a quasi-Cossack and said he would take revenge for the sculpture’s destruction.”

The True Value Of Contemporary Music

“Musical performances are among the few that demand you sit still and turn off your phone, and in the realm of the avant-garde, where there is rarely a narrative structure or a song, those can sometimes seem long. But art that forces you to sit and experience something, even if it makes you impatient, can be valuable in the same way that meditation and quiet spaces (churches, libraries) are valuable, in the same way that any inactivity is valuable.”