John Cage: Composer, Conceptual Artist, Or Charlatan?

Anne Midgette: “In fact, Cage was anything but a clown, though like many profound thinkers who are profoundly misunderstood, he did nothing to counteract people’s misimpressions. … So why was he so important? The short answer is that Cage was in the vanguard of a way of thinking about art that became central to many artists after him, testing its mores and meanings and definitions. Where does the ‘real world’ end and ‘art’ begin; what makes one object ‘art’ and not another; what defines a performance?”

Choreographers Lick Their Chops Over BAM’s New Theater

“Over the past several years choreographers have been rethinking what constitutes a stage. The more options, the better, which is why the new BAM Fisher building at the Brooklyn Academy of Music was designed with a flexible 250-seat theater in which choreographers and others can do whatever they want, however they want.” Four leading dancemakers talk about how they’ll be using the space.