Muslim Artists At Work, Battling The Fundamentalists

In excerpts from her book Your Fatwa Does Not Apply Here, Fatima Bennoune visits a Pakistani director fighting to maintin a children’s theater festival despite actual bombings, the embattled producers of the wildly popular North African TV show Bled Musique (which one might describe as Algerian Bandstand), and the director of the controversial Lahore musical Burqavaganza.

Russia’s Cultural Politics Takes An Ugly Turn

“Spurred by demagogues, including Russian President Vladimir Putin and Kirill I, head of the Russian Orthodox Church, Russia has embraced a hysterical fear and loathing of gay people, embodied in a now-infamous law that prohibits gay “propaganda,” which seems to encompass any positive or even neutral mention of homosexuality that might be heard by children.”

Should American Universities Be Working With Authoritarian Regimes?

“If you look past their soaring rhetoric, you’ll see globe-trotting university presidents and trustees who are defining down their expectations of what a liberal education means, much as corporations do when they look the other way at shoddy labor and environmental practices abroad. The difference, of course, is that a university’s mission is to question such arrangements, not to facilitate them.”