Classical Music: Stuff White People Pretend To Like?

The popular satirical web site “Stuff White People Like” has finally gotten around to skewering the lily-white world of classical music. “Though white people do not actually listen to classical music, they like to believe that they are the type of people who would enjoy it… [The genre] has used white guilt to exist for over a century beyond its relevance.”

Caryl Churchill At 70

“Is Caryl Churchill the greatest female playwright of our time? Of any time? Back in the 1980s, when she used to give press interviews, she would have slapped your wrists for asking such a sexist, reductive question. And did, whenever it was put to her. It’s her uncanny ability to pull you up, flip you over, rewire your cosy assumptions that makes Churchill such an irreducible writer”

The Orchestra As “Template For Democracy”

“In music, so the argument goes, you cannot express yourself without listening to others and respecting their voice. Legato denotes boundaries. Tempo, the speed of a process. Dynamics, the volume at which your voice may or may not overpower another. The symphony orchestra, Barenboim deduces, is therefore an alternative ‘template for democracy’; and his particular orchestra — comprised as it is of 120 young Israelis, Palestinians, Lebanese, Syrians, Jordanians, Egyptians and Iranians — perhaps the unlikely archetype.”

How Ads Are Killing Art

“In the past decade, as artists and as cultural consumers, we’ve been encouraged to be more relaxed about the relationship between art and commerce. In a previous era, Warhol’s work ironically questioned culture’s claim to unique purity. But Warhol had a complex mixture of fascination and disgust with both consumerism and celebrity. In contrast, a contemporary artist seems to have a vision indistinguishable from the sensibilities of the celebrity magazine and the advertising agency.”