Opera Needs A Radical Overhaul, Says Director Of Britain’s Most Radically Overhauled Opera Company

Graham Vick of Birmingham Opera Company: “So much is encouraging about opera just now, most of it found in the sense of adventure of performances in pub theatres, supermarkets and car parks. … Making this expensive art form accessible does sometimes mean finding less costly ways of presenting it. … But trapped between tyrannical, unyielding musical values and a theatrical inferiority complex, artists and programmers, artistic directors and marketing departments cling on to outmoded models by the fingernails (or do I mean by co-productions?). They fear the implications of radical change. But we need to bend – there’s no use pretending something’s not broken.”

On The History Of The American Flag In Black Protest Art

“[Colin Kaepernick’s] protest was a piece of performance art, and in staging it he blurred the line between art and protest. Kaepernick isn’t just a part of the long line of black athletes who have used their platforms to speak out about political issues; he (unintentionally) inserted himself into the rich tradition of black artists who have invoked the American flag in political protest.”

Inside Dubai’s Lavish New Opera House

“Dubai Opera is attempting to rival the famous Sydney Opera House, with 2,000 seats, an elegantly designed marble interior boasting a dramatic multi-story 11,000-pound glass chandelier, and by hosting talent like the prestigious tenor Plácido Domingo. But perhaps even more striking than the glamorous décor is the building itself, inspired by the dhow, the traditional ship found in the Persian Gulf.”

Yeah, Critics Hate Kevin Smith Movies – So What? He’s Made Himself Critic-Proof

“After horrible failures such as Jersey Girl and Cop Out, Smith retreated from Hollywood – not only because he had to, but because he could. His loyal fans, willing to follow him anywhere he commands, fund his work. … What Smith knew … was that the film is less important than the intellectual property and the fanbase that will gladly hand over their money for the right to own a piece of it.”

Is August Wilson The Shakespeare Of Modern America?

Actor Keith David: “‘There is a rhythm in this language that if you betray, you won’t find the truth of. It’s inherent in the language. … [And his characters] are rich, full, incredible human beings – and thinking human beings, colorful not only in their use of language but the way in which they think and communicate, both with each other and out in the world.”

Russia’s Most Outrageous Performance (And That’s Saying Something) Gets A Burger King Menu

Pyotr Pavlensky – the man who literally sewed his lips shut to protest the Pussy Riot trial, nailed his scrotum to Red Square, and set fire to the headquarters of Russia’s secret service as an art project – is being honored by the St. Petersburg branch of the fast food chain with a series of special-edition hamburgers named for his most famous stunts projects.