Fear Of Eternity Is A Genuine Phobia

“Woody Allen once said, ‘Eternity is a very long time, especially toward the end!’ Eternity sounds great on the surface, but actually experiencing it may be an entirely different matter. For some people, the very notion of infinity sends chills up the spine. In fact, for many who suffer from ‘apeirophobia’ – a term for the fear of eternity – the thought of an existence that goes on forever amounts to torture.”

At North Korea’s Only Film Festival, There’s No Red Carpet, And The Audience Screamed At A Gay Sex Scene

“With three screenings a day in seven theatres across Pyongyang, the majority of films are foreign titles for a local audience. North Korean filmgoers are so excited when the theatre’s doors crack open, they literally run for a seat. Some are left standing in the aisles, some sit on the floor, and many seats have two people squeezed into them.”