Deep Inside Simone Kermes

“Do you want to see my vocal cords? I want to show you my vocal cords. For a singer it’s like you are naked. Like you take off your clothes for Playboy. … Nobody is showing the cords because if they are not healthy you can see it. I wanted to put them in the last album but Sony said ‘no Simone, you cannot put them in the book’. I said ‘why not?'”

At Hollywood Bowl, Arguments Over Giant New Video Screens

Many patrons, especially the ones way up the hillside, are grateful to be able to see what’s happening on the faraway stage; others find the screens a garish, ham-fisted intrusion on a beautiful natural setting. “The objections are mostly being raised by people who attend classical concerts; there has been no sign of protest from, say, the Vampire Weekend crowd.”

On The Architecture Of Prisons

“Just as prisons in the U.S. are now designed to look not just secure and largely windowless but so nondescript that they practically disappear, architecture firms often coat their prison-design work in several layers of euphemism. … But thanks to a growing number of factors – some within the architecture profession, some political, others in pop culture – prison design is shedding some of that carefully managed anonymity.”