Can Autistic People Really ‘Get’ Literature? (Yes)

“According to experts, autism’s ‘triad of impairments’ (in communication, imagination and social interaction) made literature a bad fit for the autistic brain. … If the mental states of others are beyond their reach, how can they possibly manage the moody jungle-gym of make-believe conflict that we call fiction? And if autistic people struggle with the dowsing rods of metaphor and irony, how can they divine a work’s deeper meanings?” Well, Ralph James Savarese begs to differ.

Why Are We Shaming Actors For How Much They Earn?

We can’t help making presumptions about their bank accounts, as if acting is less a career than a ticket to dreamland. Perhaps it’s time to stop differentiating what kind of work we think is “real”—whether it’s acting, bagging groceries, writing (hi!), governing a state, or tilling the fields—and start valuing hard work in whatever form it comes.

Australia’s Arts Funding Is Inadequate And Unfairly Given Out, Say Critics

The economy of “the Lucky Country” has been growing for 26 years without a recession or other break, and Australia is now second only to Switzerland in wealth per adult in the world. “Yet arts funding has not kept pace, … [and] worse in many ways, experts say, [it’s] running the same way it has for years — as an insiders’ game.”