Is Punctuation Finished?

Enter the international Apostrophe Protection Society, with its attempts to call out misuse and spread good practice. But November 2019 saw the announcement of the society’s demise, and owing not only to the highly respectable age of its founder John Richards (96): it would close, the society said, because of the ‘ignorance and laziness present in modern times’. – Aeon

The Prejudice Against Those With Less Education

Building a politics around the idea that a college degree is a precondition for dignified work and social esteem has a corrosive effect on democratic life. It devalues the contributions of those without a diploma, fuels prejudice against less-educated members of society, effectively excludes most working people from elective government and provokes political backlash. – The New York Times

So Rich People Think NYC Is Dying. The Reality Is Something Different

“Of course, people don’t come to cities for jobs alone; people come to places such as New York and London to be around other people. They come for the addictive energy that you get only in places where millions of dreams are crammed together. And many of us – misfits and minorities – stay in cities because they are the only places we feel we can be ourselves. I always think it is funny when people talk about cities being dangerous: as a queer, mixed-race woman, New York is probably where I feel safest.” – The Guardian

Choreographer Camille A. Brown Starts An Online School For Black Social Dance

“Whether the Juba or stepping, social dance has always been a big component of Ms. Brown’s choreography. … When the pandemic hit, … like many other dancers and choreographers, she turned to Instagram, where she has created a virtual version of a school she never attended, one in which social dance is the foundation from which everything else flows.” – The New York Times

The Guy Who Put Those Damn CNN TVs All Over Every Damn Airport Is Dead At 84

W. Russell Barry worked as president of 20th Century Fox Television, overseeing production and syndication, and spent two years at Playboy, where he launched the Playboy Channel, before heading to Turner Program Services as president and then chairman. There he was responsible for all TBS programming, including distribution of old MGM films and TV shows, original National Geographic programs, and CNN (yes, he’s the one who did the CNN-in-airports deal). – The Hollywood Reporter

Hackers Steal Donor Info From Smithsonian, UK National Trust, Other Nonprofits

In a ransomware attack in May on the computer security company Blackbaud, hackers copied names, contact info and donation summaries from the databases of the Smithsonian, Britain’s National Trust, and numerous museums, universities, and other not-for-profit organizations. Blackbaud says that it paid the ransom money and obtained proof that the stolen data was destroyed. – Artnet