Dance Competitions For Preteen Girls Are Now Big Business

These events – individual and group numbers; tap, ballet, or “shuffle step for Jesus” – “form their own distinct subculture. Yet they are also distinctly American, not so different, underneath the false eyelashes, from Little League games, and raising a host of issues revolving around class, gender and parents’ aspirations for their children” – issues foregrounded, if not aggravated, by the Lifetime reality series Dance Moms.

The Internet’s Art Market Is Even More Full Of Fakes Than You Think

For instance, the head of the Giacometti Foundation says, “We counted the other day 2,005 fake Giacometti sculptures for sale [on a single Web site].” One recent statistical study “estimated that as many as 91 percent of the drawings and small sculptures sold online through eBay as the work of the artist Henry Moore were fake.”