Study: Being A Rock Star Is Bad For Your Health

“A rock survivor in Europe, more than 25 years after achieving fame, has a death rate slightly higher than a contemporary with a more conventional career, the research indicated. But American musicians continue to die in greater numbers. Over the first 25 years, the risk of dying is 1.7 times higher. A disproportionate number of deaths are caused by drink or drugs.”

Hugo Chavez Puts Up Millions More For Music Ed

“The Venezuelan leader announced the creation of ‘Misión Música’, a government-funded effort to give tuition and instruments to 1 million impoverished children. He made the announcement on his Sunday television show, Aló Presidente, after reading out rapturous British reviews of the youth orchestra’s performances last month at London’s Royal Albert Hall.”

Collectors Vs. The Museum

Relationships between private collectors and museums have become strained in recent years. “The days when gifts or bequests were put on permanent display in galleries named after the donor are largely a thing of the past. Museums claim they can’t afford the space and are often embarrassed about being seen to glorify privilege and affluence.”

Can Superstars Save The Traditional Music Business?

Some big music stars will release albums this fall. “But whether any of them can sell the type of huge numbers that the industry enjoyed two, three years ago — or even last year — remains to be seen. While music sales have been on the downward trend the past few years, this year’s slippage has reached alarming levels, and it’s unclear whether the release of any artist — even two powerhouses on the same day — will prompt consumers to reach for their wallets.”