Is There A Gene For Internet Addiction? (Maybe Not)

“German scientists find ‘internet-addiction gene’,’ said a headline on a German news site last week. Another site reported that scientists have ‘nailed down the gene responsible for internet addiction.’ Is it true? No, but its falseness is interesting for what it says both about the nature of our addictions and about how scientific researchers sometimes help journalists sensationalize research.”

The Bookworms Of China Just May Save Traditional Publishing (For Now)

“Driving sales is a literate population that emphasizes education and self-improvement. Censorship has become less draconian since Mao’s time and publishing has become more commercial. As a result, readers of Chinese books today have more choice of genre, voice and subject matter than they have had at any time in the last 60 years.”

Australian Arts Groups: A National Cultural Policy Is All Well And Good – Can We Please Talk About Funding?

“As the government attempts to pull back $2 billion in grants, the Australian Major Performing Arts Group” – an umbrella for the country’s top theatre, dance, opera and classical music organizations – “will seek assurance that the delayed National Cultural Policy at least will maintain funding in real terms.”