Now Here’s A Marketing Challenge: Rebranding London’s Vagina Museum

It is, as it were, a sensitive area. “Positioning a brand and crafting a suitable tone of voice is a mind-bendingly tricky thing to perfect. The Vagina Museum has built a reputation and a following on social media due to its irreverent, tongue-in-cheek tweets and exchanges with other users. Whether the branding should mirror or counteract this was a defining choice throughout the process.” – Museums and Heritage Advisor

At 93, Betye Saar Is Finally Achieving Mainstream Art-World Stardom

“After a latish start as an artist — she was in her 30s — she made steady initial headway in a male-dominated Black Power movement and a white-dominated feminist movement. And she has held her own in a mainstream art market that has been, until very recently, unwelcoming to African-American art.” Now she has solo shows at flagship museums on both coasts: MoMA and LACMA. Why now? “Because,” she says, “it’s about time!” – The New York Times

LAPD Finds Trove Of Artworks Stolen From Homes 25 Years Ago

In 1993, there was a series of break-ins across the more expensive neighborhoods of Los Angeles in which dozens of paintings, antiques, and historic documents were taken. Two perps were captured year ago, but the art was lost until an auctioneer tipped off police this summer. More than 100 items have been recovered, and the issue now is finding their owners. – Los Angeles Times

Women Are Making Real Progress Toward Parity In Television: Study

“According to the 22nd annual Boxed In report from the Center for the Study of Women in Television and Film …, female characters comprised 45% of all speaking characters across comedies, dramas, and reality shows on broadcast, cable, and streaming. That is up from 40% in 2017-2018. … Off-screen, 31% of all creators, directors, writers, executive producers, producers, editors, and directors of photography in television were women, beating the previous high of 28% set in 2016-2017.” – Variety

Boström Knausgård: You Don’t Know Me From My Ex-Husband’s Books

Questions of strength and weakness have hovered around Boström Knausgård ever since the novelist with whom she shares a last name wrote, in rather excruciating detail, about their life together and Boström Knausgård’s mental illness. Because the novel—like her other fiction—draws closely from its author’s past, it will surely invite comparison with My Struggle, by her former husband, Karl Ove Knausgaard. – Vanity Fair

An Overhaul In Leadership At Portland Oregon’s Major Arts Organizations

A massive overhaul is happening at the top of Portland’s biggest artistic institutions. Six of Oregon’s major arts organizations—including NW Film Center, Portland Center Stage and Chamber Music Northwest—have recently undergone changes in leadership, or are about to. It’s not just generational turnover, either: In many cases, the white men in charge are being succeeded by women and people of color. – Willamette Week