How A Small-Town New England Summer Festival Became A Major Feeder For New York’s Theatre Season

“Seven transfers in one season puts [the Williamstown Theater Festival] at the top of the list of New York stage feeders; no single theater, let alone one that’s lit only 50 days a year, comes close. And yet the achievement does not mean that the festival has strayed as far from its original vision as that might suggest.” As Williamstown artistic director Mandy Greenfield tells Jesse Green (who once worked there himself), “We’re not chasing Broadway. We’re chasing a way of working.” – The New York Times

Michael Rakowitz, Whose Work Is About Iraq, Refugees, And ISIS, Wins $100K Nasher Prize For Sculpture

His grandparents were Iraqi Jews who fled Baghdad in 1941, and much of his work is inspired by their experiences. He’s most famous for his replica, placed on the fourth plinth in Trafalgar Square in 2018, of an Assyrian lamassu (a winged bull with a human head) that was destroyed by ISIS. – The Dallas Morning News

Have African Artworks Been Safer In Europe Than They Would Have Been In Africa? Maybe Not, Suggest Storage Conditions In German Museum

“Many of the artifacts that will be on display in the Humboldt Forum, a huge new museum under construction in a rebuilt Berlin palace, had for years been stored in less-than-ideal conditions. [A] report featured searing depictions of flooded storage rooms and depots choked with toxic dust.” – The New York Times