Officially known as “Dirty Corner,” the giant steel funnel that Kapoor himself has described as “very sexual” was covered in anti-Semitic graffiti, said Versailles president Catherine Pegard.
Tag: 09.06.15
Hollywood And China Are In Love (But It’s Pretty Star-Crossed)
“Some investors are more interested in appearing to be in business with Hollywood than in putting serious money into deals, these people say — to boost their stock prices or profiles. (American studios also like to be seen to be doing deals in China.)”
Surveying The History Of Dance Through DVDs
Watching dance online is now probably the primary way of watching dance. But if you’re interested in a historical record, New York Times critics suggest you look to DVDs…
In The Age Of Creativity Everyone’s An Artist
“We’ve become fascinated with innovation as a culture,” said Aaron Rasmussen, a founder of MasterClass, a new online education company that features writers, actors and sports figures teaching classes about the creative process. “People used to look at a movie and say, ‘I could do better than that,’ but they had no vehicle.” Now anyone can watch instructional videos on YouTube or observe experienced photographers on Instagram.