Study: Winning Teams Help Boost Your Income?

Researchers “say that having a winning NFL football team increases the incomes of the people who live and work in its hometown by as much as $120 a year. And while the study doesn’t identify exactly what causes the boost, the authors point to psychological literature suggesting that winning fans are at once harder workers and bigger spenders. In short, buoyed by the team’s success, we work longer hours, take bigger risks, and shop more avidly, all of which helps the local economy.”

Indie Film Dead. Again?

“On Oscar night, the idea that indie was the new mainstream was confirmed, once again, as conventional wisdom. But by the time the Cannes Film Festival rolled around three months later, a new and diametrically opposite conventional wisdom was emerging. Indie film is dead! Again! Still! For real this time!”

What Are You Actually Getting With New Operas?

“New operas are based on world events, current movies, popular books. Their music is written by funky living composers. And yet, earnest, thoughtful and filled with worthy music though they be, they seldom find the same resonance as art films, or literary fiction. In fact, people who go to see an opera based on a book they liked often come away disappointed.”

London Drinking Hole Home To Generations Of Artists Under Threat

“Opened 60 years ago by the feted, unpredictable Muriel Belcher, the Colony Room was where Bacon made his second home; and soon Belcher had made it a gin-soaked refuge for most of London’s artists, poets, drunks.” Now “the smoking ban, ruinous rents, trouble with licences and hard finance, mean Michael is considering selling: so while Bacon lives exuberantly again, in the Tate retrospective, his home is troubled.”