Big Changes Afoot At Dallas Symphony

“Jaap van Zweden conducts his first concerts as music director of the Dallas Symphony Orchestra [this week.] Also this week, Doug Adams takes over as president and chief executive of the DSO… These two men, the Dutchman who gave up one of the world’s top orchestra violinists’ posts to pursue conducting and the native Texan who left television management for the orchestra world, are set to transform Dallas’ 108-year-old orchestra.”

Lockhart Looks Back In Utah

“Keith Lockhart is starting his 11th — and final — season as music director of the Utah Symphony this weekend with mixed feelings… He oversaw the hiring of a quarter of the current members of the symphony in the past 10 years.” But dreams of international tours and multiple recordings have never quite become reality, and the orchestra has been in and out of fiscal trouble during his tenure.