The Father Of The IgNobels Speaks!

“Marc Abrahams is an evangelist for science with a sense of humor. Founder of The Annals of Improbable Research and the accompanying Ig Nobel prizes, his new book is called This is Improbable: Cheese string theory, magnetic chickens, and other WTF research. He has spent the last 23 years looking for research that makes people laugh – and then makes them think.”

Disabusing The Idea Of Curating

“I’m beginning to squirm when I hear a lot of people talk about curating because it seems to suggest that organizing your sock drawer — or choosing what hats, shoes or lipsticks to arrange in a store window — calls out the same creative imagination as cataloging and collecting the 1,000-plus works of Johann Sebastian Bach, or preparing and protecting the contents of King Tutankhamen’s tomb to display for the ages.”

An Architect’s Career Founders On The Sharp Shoals Of War

During WWII, “you didn’t need to live in the West to be touched by the hand of fear, as Yasuo Matsui found out. Even though he had lived here for four decades, designed one of New York’s tallest buildings and ran a major construction company, the Japanese-born architect was rousted out of bed on the night of the Pearl Harbor attack, held at Ellis Island for two months and spent the war under house arrest.”