Librarian Leaves University Of New Hampshire $4 Million (Which He Saved, Working As A Librarian)

Morin’s financial adviser, Edward Mullen, said the library worker was able to accumulate so much wealth because he never spent any money. Mullen started working with Morin in the early 1970s, and said by the 2000s he had saved quite a bit of cash in his checking and savings accounts. There was almost $1 million in his retirement account alone.

F. Scott Fitzgerald’s Last Unpublished Stories Will See Print Next Year

“The collection, due to be published in April 2017 by Simon & Schuster imprint Scribner, is mainly drawn from stories written in the mid and late 1930s. It ranges from work that Fitzgerald was unable to sell because its ‘subject matter or style departed from what editors expected of [the author] in the 1930s’, Scribner said, to writing that he submitted to magazines, and which was accepted for publication but never printed.”

‘An Open Invitation To Commit Suicide’ – The Winner Of The 2016 Carbuncle Cup

“The Lincoln Plaza housing tower in east London by BUJ Architects has been awarded the Carbuncle Cup 2016 [for Britain’s worst new building of the year] by architecture website BD. … Architect and critic Ike Ijeh, who was one of the competition judges, has called the building a ‘putrid pugilistic horror show that should never have been built’.”

Humans Versus The Algorithms

“Yes, everything on the Internet is a mix of the human and inhuman. Automated algorithms play a very big role in some services, like, say, the Google Search Engine. But humans play a role in these services too. Humans whitelist and blacklist sites on the Google Search Engine. They make what you might think of as manual decisions, in part because today’s algorithms are so flawed. What’s more—and this is just stating what should be obvious—humans write the algorithms. That’s not insignificant.”

Lin-Manuel Miranda And Coping With Sudden Mega-Fame

“Toward the end of my run in the Broadway company, you know, it got a little scary outside the theater. I was negotiating secret exits the last month of the run. It was unsafe for me to do the stage door. It wasn’t that good fans turned bad or anything like that. It’s just that when people feel like time is finite to see someone, the urgency is what makes it scary. You know, ‘We have to get that selfie now.’ ‘We have to get this autograph right now,’ as opposed to life being long.”