Terry Crews’ Accused Abuser Is Finally Gone – And Crews Wants Hollywood To Listen Up About Sexual Assault

After Crews wrote tweets about being groped by an agent, he thought he’d be the one facing serious, possibly career-ending consequences. “‘The first thing I did when I came home after tweeting those tweets, I told my wife, ‘Hollywood is over. I think we may have to leave.’ That was the reality,’ the actor said. Still, he felt it was his duty to speak out. ‘Hopefully, me coming forward with my story will deter a predator and encourage someone who feels hopeless,’ he wrote at the time.”

Amanda Kyle Williams, Mystery Writer, Has Died At 61

Williams was dyslexic but instead of getting tested, she was told she was lazy and stupid. She dropped out of school and got addicted to drugs – but when a psychologist gave her the learning disability diagnosis, her life changed. Then, “becoming fascinated by how the written word could convey a story, she went on to publish her first book at 28 and eventually landed a $1 million contract to write a mystery series about a tough female private investigator named Keye Street.”