Why YouTube Stars Are Burning Out At A Fearsome Rate

Matt Lees began to feel a knock-on effect on his health. “Human brains really aren’t designed to be interacting with hundreds of people every day,” he says. “When you’ve got thousands of people giving you direct feedback on your work, you really get the sense that something in your mind just snaps. We just aren’t built to handle empathy and sympathy on that scale.”

The Women Who Are Busting Into The Samba Circle

With astonishing speed, female musicians in Brazil have in the past couple of years begun breaking into the male realm of samba circles, taking a seat at the table both literally and figuratively. Just a few years ago, the musicians playing in a samba circle jam session used to be almost all male. In 2018, though, a clutch of all-female samba groups have set out to change that, and in doing so, they have generated what could be a sea change for this beloved Brazilian musical genre.

Movie Theatres Want Netflix Movies Playing In Them (And The Industry Does Not Disagree)

Big screens are simply better, or so the movie theatre owners say. “‘Our model can work for their movies, too,’ National Association of Theatre Owners president and CEO John Fithian told the Hollywood Reporter while attending the Toronto International Film Festival. Holding out an olive branch to Netflix, Fithian welcomed the streamer’s success in bringing more content to more audiences.”

Tito Capobianco, Longtime Director Of The Pittsburgh Opera, Has Died At 87

Capobianco was with the opera from 1983 to 2000. In that time, he “brought the company from an operating budget of $900,000 to $5 million, added an endowment of $6 million and founded the training program for young singers now known as the Pittsburgh Opera Resident Artists Program. He saw the move from Heinz Hall to the more spacious stage accommodations of Benedum Center. He introduced the use of supertitles by the company, and created the Pittsburgh Opera Orchestra, to replace the awkward scheduling required by the previous use of the Pittsburgh Symphony.”

Mexico Has A Booming Theatre Scene, A New Theatre Awards Show – And A Flood Of Foreign Actors

Almost all of the leads in Les Mis are from other countries, and that’s not unusual for productions in Mexico. But there’s more: “The fact that the foreign actors from Argentina, Brazil and Spain are generally taller and more fair-skinned than the Mexican actors also means they fit the conventional look of a leading role, especially when the production is exported from the United States or Europe.”

You Want A Real ‘Civil Society’? Fund The Library

What’s the issue when libraries are more used than ever, and for more reasons than ever? Uh, they’re seriously underfunded. “Libraries are being disparaged and neglected at precisely the moment when they are most valued and necessary. Why the disconnect? In part it’s because the founding principle of the public library — that all people deserve free, open access to our shared culture and heritage — is out of sync with the market logic that dominates our world. But it’s also because so few influential people understand the expansive role that libraries play in modern communities.”