Why People Vote Republican

“When Republicans say that Democrats ‘just don’t get it,’ this is the ‘it’ to which they refer. Conservative positions on gays, guns, god, and immigration must be understood as means to achieve one kind of morally ordered society. When Democrats try to explain away these positions using pop psychology they err, they alienate, and they earn the label ‘elitist.’ But how can Democrats learn to see – let alone respect – a moral order they regard as narrow-minded, racist, and dumb?

Brazen Daytime Art Theft In L.A.

“Police detectives have issued an international alert for a dozen paintings by Marc Chagall, Diego Rivera and other masters that were stolen from the suburban [L.A.] home of an elderly couple during a daring daytime break-in. The paintings were worth millions of dollars and include rare works by early 20th century artists Emil Nolde and Kees van Dongen. A $200,000 reward was offered Tuesday for help in recovering the artwork.”

The Tabloid Readers And The Royal Opera

When Tony Hall, the ROH’s executive director, came on stage to welcome the audience, he was also welcoming those watching the show live in 113 cinemas across the UK and abroad – a first for the ROH. The point was, he told me, to “start the season with almost an anti-gala, celebrating the new season with people who haven’t visited before”. He added: “This is not a stunt. We want it to be something long-lasting.”

Why Architects Don’t Retire

“What is it with architects that they don’t–or can’t–retire? In part, it is the nature of their profession. Architecture is a delicate balancing act between practicality and artistry, and it takes a long time to master all the necessary technical skills as well as to learn how to successfully manipulate the thousands of details that compose even a small building.”