Robert Curran Wants To Make Classic Ballets “Cinematic”

Says the former Australian Ballet star, who’s just starting his new job as artistic director of Louisville Ballet: “I might be a bit presumptuous in saying this but I would really like to bring a cinematic quality to these productions, to these traditional ballets. I think audiences are used to and expect a certain quality in period pieces, whether they be on the silver screen or whether they be on stage. So what I would really like to bring is reality.”

Some French Bookstores Refuse To Stock Tell-All By President’s Ex-Wife

“As Merci Pour Ce Moment (Thank You For This Moment) hit the bookshelves last week, signs appeared in some bookshop windows across the country to explain to readers why they wouldn’t find Valérie Trierweiler’s opus in store. ‘This bookstore doesn’t aspire to be a washing machine for Madame Trierweiler’s dirty laundry,’ one read.”

Qatar Philharmonic Music Director Han-Na Chang Quits Mid-Tour

“The musical director who took Qatar’s fledgling orchestra to the BBC Proms has quit, less than 24 hours after its triumphant debut at the festival in London. The shock departure of Han-Na Chang, the star cellist hired a year ago to transform the Qatar Philharmonic Orchestra into a world-class ensemble, came amid reports of clashes with its management.”

Brooklyn Museum’s Longtime Diretor Arnold Lehman To Retire

“Mr. Lehman made many attempts to reinvigorate the museum. But he will most likely be remembered for being at the center of one of the most bitter public fights in recent museum history when, in 1999, he presented “Sensation: Young British Artists From the Saatchi Collection,” a show of art from the holdings of Charles Saatchi, the British advertising magnate.”