Top Posts From AJBlogs 09.11.14

Art of 9/11: Remnants, Models, Memorial Tributes
AJBlog: CultureGrrl | Published 2014-09-11

The Sad State of New Music
AJBlog: CultureCrash | Published 2014-09-12

Gerald Wilson And Harmony
AJBlog: RiffTides | Published 2014-09-11

Guelph’s jazz fest/colloquium of cosmic improvisation, Deutsch pix
AJBlog: Jazz Beyond Jazz | Published 2014-09-11

Things I’m thinking about…
AJBlog: Sandow | Published 2014-09-11


Will Americans Ever Grow Up?

“It isn’t only that patriarchy in the strict, old-school Don Draper sense has fallen apart. It’s that it may never really have existed in the first place, at least in the way its avatars imagined. Which raises the question: Should we mourn the departed or dance on its grave?”

How The Belarus Free Theatre Keeps On Battling A Stalinist Regime

In Belarus, the KGB attends Free Theatre shows, sometimes just to scare the performers. Other times, the evenings end in arrests. Criminal cases brought against the company drove four members to permanent exile in London. But they never cease their work. … The company now functions as a two-pronged operation: In England they perform with a rotating ensemble of British and Belarusian actors, and in Belarus they continue to write, develop and rehearse new material.”