‘Theatre Is Never Going To Be Edgy In The Way I Want It To Be,’ Says Martin McDonagh

“It’s too expensive for a start. And, the audience seems to be complicit in the dullness. It’s like going to a fancy meal in a fancy restaurant with the attitude that, I’m here and I’ve paid the money so I’m going to enjoy it even though it tastes like shite. … To be honest, I have no desire to go out and see a play. The whole nature of that experience just puts me off.”

It’s Time To Admit It: Stephen King Is, And Deserves To Be, Part Of The Literary Canon

Scott Timberg: “Since his lifetime achievement citation from the National Book Awards in 2003 – which saw some resistance from the literary world that is harder to imagine now – he … [is] now a solid citizen in the literary world, which seems to satisfy King and also make the literary establishment feel populist. It’s a transition that’s hard to imagine bestselling peers like Dean Koontz or Jackie Collins making.”

Vinyl Record Sales Are Soaring. What Does This Mean?

“Some top vinyl-pressing plants operate 24 hours a day, seven days a week, in an attempt to keep up. Because of the format’s sharp decline in the 1990s, many plants were shuttered, leaving the few players that survived to cash in. Others have cropped up to service the boom, but still, the grand total of U.S. vinyl-pressing plants of varying sizes hovers around 15.”

Russia Wants Rachmaninoff’s Body Back (Test: Do You Know Where It Is Now?)

Russian cultural minister Vladimir Medinsky claimed that Americans have neglected the composer’s grave while attempting to “shamelessly privatize” his name. But Rachmaninoff’s descendants have balked at the idea of moving the body, pointing out that he died in the U.S. after spending decades outside of Russia in self-imposed political exile.