The Least Lucrative College Majors Are (Surprise!) The Arts: Study

A new study by of the most and least lucrative undergraduate fields of study found that theater, performing and visual arts, composition and speech, library science, and “miscellaneous fine arts” (rock bottom) were the ten “least valuable” majors. Worse, majors in “miscellaneous fine arts” have a substantially higher unemployment rate than high-school dropouts.

Taylor Mac Is Coming To Broadway With A Starry Sequel To (Of All Things) ‘Titus Andronicus’

The conceit of Mac’s Gary: A Sequel to Titus Andronicus is that the Roman civil war is over, madmen have taken power in the failing empire, and two servants — played by Andrea Martin and Nathan Lane — have the job of cleaning up all the dead bodies. Five-time Tony winner George C. Wolfe will direct, with set design by four-time Tony laureate Santo Loquasto.

What I’ve Learned Doing Stand-Up At Dozens Of College Campuses: Sara Schaefer

“When I started touring universities, my first impression was not Wow, these softies can’t take a joke! It was Oh dear God, they are so young! … Some of them are only 17. A lot of them are virgins. For many of my student audience members, it’s the first time they’ve seen comedy in person. It is actually kind of scary for them: What is this strange adult woman going to do? Is she going to point me out and embarrass me in front of my hallmates?

A ‘Genuine’ Leonardo Sells For $83 Million On Russia’s Version Of eBay

“‘Dmitry’, from the town of Mamonovo in the Kaliningrad region, says that the painting, titled A Young Girl in Furs, was authenticated by the Stockholm art valuation firm Atelje Catellani. … Before its removal, four days after it was posted on [the auction site] Avito, the advert read: ‘Attention: I am selling the original Leonardo da Vinci painting ‘A Girl in Furs’. Location: Germany … estimated value €280m … asking price €72m.'”