A Bleak Outlook For British Columbia Arts Funding

“Last week’s budget projected $2.25-million in arts funding for 2010-11, down from $19.5-million in 2008-09. And days before the budget came down, late on a Friday afternoon now dubbed Black Friday by arts organizations, groups were informed by e-mail that the funding they were expecting through community gaming grants – money the province makes from gambling revenues – would be denied.”

Glenn Beck And Michelle Malkin: Right-Wing Polemicists Or Postmodern Litterateurs?

“Having spent the past two weeks in what I might call a spiritual communion with these authors, I can assure you that [their] texts are not the psychotic, fact-challenged rants of the mad, but carefully crafted metafictions in which the mundane terrors of cultural dislocation are recast as riveting epics of paranoia. As such, they fit into a long literary tradition.”

Sculpting The Unbearable Lightness Of Silver And Gold

Artist Rita Grosse-Ruyken turns precious metals into such delicate works as Rays of Light, a solid-gold bowl less than one millimeter thick that “undulates with every sound and movement of the air” and The Silver Cord, in which “she cast, forged and hand-pulled refined silver into a diaphanous thread that she then wove into a [21-meter-long] quasi-transparent spatial structure.”