Glenda Jackson Returns To Acting After 23 Years In Politics – And Says Things Aren’t A Bit Better For Women In Theatre

“Where have been the remarkable new plays which have women as the driving engine as opposed to the adjunct for what is always, and inevitably, a male engine-driver? That hasn’t changed. That is what is deeply, deeply depressing. It was exactly the same when I was still earning my living in the theatre and I have seen no improvement in that area at all. … Why don’t creative people find women interesting?”

A Dance Company Becomes Taiwan’s Leading Symbol Abroad

Forty-two years after its founding, Cloud Gate Dance Theater “has become a roving, bounding symbol of this island. … If you travel on China Airlines, Taiwan’s flagship carrier, you may even fly on the Cloud Gate Liveried Aircraft, adorned with dancers’ likenesses. The airline unveiled it last year, saying the troupe represented the ‘pinnacle of Taiwan culture.'”

What Will It Take To Bust The Gender Gap In American Theatre?

“We know that the retrograde attitude toward opportunity for female playwrights and directors is replicated for women in many other lines of work, in and out of the arts. But the lack of urgency over the disparity is especially irksome in a field such as the theater, which has long fancied itself the artistic refuge for those denied a rightful voice in the culture.”

Survey: UK Theatre-Goers Reveal What Influences Them To Go (Or Not) To The Theatre

“Almost a quarter of those surveyed said that cast members were the biggest influence on a decision to go to a show, while 17% said the show’s creative team was most important. More than 80% of theatregoers said that costly tickets prevented them from attending the theatre more, while the second biggest barrier, location, was only mentioned by a third of respondents.”

How We Stereotype The Rich In Fiction

“We continue to be transfixed by upper-crust lifestyles in a primitive, almost unconscious way, equally covetous and condemning of all that glitters, just out of reach. What is absent, it seems to me, from our sense of the wealthy, is an understanding of their flesh-and-bloodness—of the fact that they, like Shylock, bleed when they are pricked and have miseries peculiar to them, against which immunity cannot be bought.”

How Curators Are Learning How To Show LA’s New Broad Museum

“Any curator will tell you that it takes time to learn a new building’s personality quirks — to figure out how best to configure temporary walls, take advantage of sight lines that let art pull a visitor through the galleries and calibrate an installation so that objects visually speak to one another. The Broad’s inaugural installation began only in June. That’s quick. Three visits over that relatively brief period revealed a work in evolutionary progress, with many changes along the way. Some may yet come before doors open to a curious public next week.”