Bramwell Tovey Appointed Music Director Of The Rhode Island Philharmonic

Tovey, 65, recently stepped down as head of Canada’s Vancouver Symphony, where he was music director for the past 18 years, conducting as many as 50 concerts a season. He is also principal conductor of the BBC Concert Orchestra in England, and last year was named head of conducting studies at Boston University, where his 20-year-old daughter Jessica is a violin major.

Why Review The Arts?

“Our world is moving faster and faster, and we’re more polarized and tribal. We find fewer and fewer excuses to talk about anything. (Reviews) are an opportunity to stop and let it marinade and understand how art helps us understand ourselves.”

Has China’s Most Famous Actress Been Made A Non-Person?

Fan Bingbing has made dozens of movies in China, played roles in Hollywood’s X-Men and Iron Man franchises, appeared in ads all over the globe, and has 62 million followers on Weibo (China’s Twitter). It has now been more than three months since she’s been seen in public. Her name has disappeared from posters for her next film (whose release date was pushed back), and the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences just released a list of 100 celebrities ranked by “social responsibility” on which Fan was dead last. Rumors are flying, and reporter Steven Lee Myers looks at what might be behind them.

Boy Band Appears On Chinese TV And Get Denounced As “Sissy Pants,’ Launching National Debate On Manliness And Metrosexuality

A show that’s mandatory viewing for school pupils and parents had an opening number by the group New F4, who star in a Taiwanese teen soap opera. Detractors called the quartet “pretty girls that cannot have babies”; the state news agency declared them “slender and weak” and fretted about the effect these “not men but not women” would have on the youth of the People’s Republic. Then defenders started speaking up, among them (believe it or not) the military newspaper People’s Liberation Daily.

Performing Lucinda Childs’s Masterpiece ‘DANCE’ For The Final Time

Katie Dorn: “The Lucinda Childs Dance Company just gave its final performance of her 1979 masterpiece, DANCE, at The Performing Arts Center at NYU Abu Dhabi. … DANCE is the first piece of Lucinda’s choreography I learned and it was the first piece that her newly-formed company performed. … For close to ten years, I was fortunate to dance this evening-length work all over the world. I’m not entirely sure I’m ready to say good-bye.”

Marin Mazzie, Beloved Broadway Star, Dead At 57

“Mazzie’s broad career went from screwball comedy — in Kiss Me, Kate and Monty Python’s Spamalot on Broadway and the West End — to riveting, dysfunctional moms in Next to Normal and Carrie. She earned other Broadway roles in Man of La Mancha, Bullets Over Broadway, Enron and Into the Woods.” She was nominated for a Tony Award three times, for Kiss Me, Kate, Ragtime, and Passion.

20 Colleagues Accuse One Of Europe’s Leading Avant-Garde Theatremakers Of Bullying And Sexual Misconduct

Jan Fabre, known for his 24-hour stage marathon Mount Olympus, has been accused – in an open letter by 20 employees and interns at his Antwerp-based stage company Troubleyn – of “humiliation, intimidation and semi-secret photographic activities” as well as trying to extort sexual favors from dancers and offering them jobs or money afterward to keep quiet.