Small Philadelphia Museum Losing Big Maurice Sendak Collection

“Nearly half a century ago, the Rosenbach Museum and Library began building a relationship with the young author and illustrator Maurice Sendak, who very quickly started using [it] as a repository for his original drawings, manuscripts, proofs, and rare editions. Through the years the numbers mounted, and today about 10,000 items of Sendakiana … fill the Rosenbach – the museum’s best calling card with generations that grew up with his books. But now that card is being recalled.”

People Are So Sad About The End Of The iPod Classic That Yes, Here’s Another Paean To That Object

“Looking at someone’s iPod was like looking into their soul. In their music you could see who they were. You could tell if they were sophisticated or rough. You could see in their playlists the moments they fell in love and the moments they fell back out again. You could see the filthiest, nastiest hip hop in the little white boxes of the primmest people, and know their inner lives a little better than you did before.”

Building A Television Empire Requires A Lot Of Drama

“In giving [Shonda] Rhimes the key to Thursday, which remains a lucrative night as film studios promote weekend releases, the alphabet network is acknowledging how big a draw her name has become with her patented style of traditional procedural meets emotional roller coaster — and showing that it sees her as a vital figure in helping them crawl out of a three-year spell in fourth place in the advertiser-preferred 18-49 demographic. “