Brown Rethinks Create-Your-Own Curriculum

“Some prominent institutions, such as Columbia University or the University of Chicago, are famous for what they require of all undergraduates. Brown University has for the last 40 years been much loved in some circles, and disdained in others, for what it doesn’t require.” Now, Brown is overhauling its so-called “no requirements” curriculum…

Leaving L.A.: Salonen Talks About His New London Gig

“I am leaving a very well-established situation after many, many years and completely changing my professional pattern,” says the conductor about his move from the Los Angeles Philharmonic to London’s Philharmonia Orchestra. “It’s a scary, bewildering situation to be in, but also rather exciting and inspiring… This is a very interesting juncture in my life because I have no idea really.”

Texas Ballet Gets A Temporary Reprieve

“Retrenched but hardly done with a battle to survive, Texas Ballet Theater has accepted a $500,000 cash-raising reprieve as a signal to conduct business as usual. Additional pledges bring an emergency underwriting drive to more than $1.1 million so far, with anticipation running high for a promised cash kick-in of some $100,000 during the next several days.”