Is Hearing Voices Necessarily A Sign Of Illness? Or Could It Sometimes Do Some Good?

“An increasing number of researchers and practitioners have gone from dismissing hallucinated voices as worthless ravings symptomatic of psychosis to listening carefully to what they say. What they have heard has been infinitely varied and surprisingly complex. And the effort to deal with these complexities is leading to entirely new, even inventive forms of treatment.”

Andrew Litton To Depart As Colorado Symphony Music Director

“He’ll conduct his usual eight concerts this season starting Friday night, then shift into a new role as artistic adviser and principal guest conductor next year. That means he’ll lead just four concerts a year during the following two seasons, leaving him more time to carry out his duties as the recently hired music director of the New York City Ballet.”

The 20 Most-Produced Playwrights Of Last Season

American Theatre looked at 2,159 productions at 386 theatres. The gender breakdown on this list is 15 men, 4 women. Just 3 playwrights—Ayad Akhtar, August Wilson, and Dominique Morisseau—are non-white. Compared to last year’s Top 20 list—with 3 women to 17 men, and 4 playwrights of color—the trend lines are staying consistent, for better or worse).

On Creating A Company: Twyla Tharp Blogs The Final Rehearsals For Her 50th Anniversary Tour

“What makes a company? It is, like a good performance, greater than the sum of its parts. It brings together a wealth of experiences and commitments that create a single foundation. Tacitly expressed in the dancing is a guarantee to the audience that whatever goes down, there’s no need for panic because onstage we have your back.”

‘This Week, Hedda Gabler Will Die On Twitter’

“There will be no further Tweets from @Heddathruaglass where, over the last two years, Katherine Tozer has been tweeting every day in character charting Hedda’s life, latterly on her extended honeymoon with her husband in Europe. Over the last few days, the daily tweet has brought Hedda closer and closer to home and the point where Ibsen’s play begins.”