CBC Taps Sony Exec As New Radio Chief

“The CBC is expected to announce this morning that Denise Donlon, former president of Sony Music Canada, will become executive director of CBC Radio. Donlon is widely considered among the most influential woman in Canadian music, and her appointment may signal the direction in which CBC executive vice-president Richard Stursberg wants CBC radio programming to go.”

COC Gets $2m For Free Concerts

The Canadian Opera Company has announced a $2 million anonymous gift endowing its series of free daytime concerts. “The programming covers a wide range of musical tastes and styles, from opera and classical, to jazz, world music, hip hop, dance and even some specialized lectures related to the main opera and ballet programming.”

How To Keep The $$ Flowing In Tough Political Times

One of Canada’s leading philanthropists says that arts advocates can’t just sit around bad-mouthing the prime minister whenever conservatives less friendly to cultural funding are in charge. “The goal, he says, must be to influence the government. Get on the radar screen. Get the media to publicize your issue. Build a strong argument. Demand that every party articulate a cultural policy.”

Smithsonian’s New Chief Looks To The Future

The Smithsonian’s new secretary wants the Institution to be involved in ‘the great issues of the day.’ “The stakes are high for a man who has had 39 successful years at educational institutions. And the stakes are perhaps higher for the Smithsonian, which has recently suffered from administrative mismanagement, congressional outrage and low staff morale.”

Louisville Regroups

The Louisville Orchestra was very nearly shut down a few years ago in response to financial problems. But Jeremy Podgursky senses “a new excitement” in the orchestra’s programming, and “the organization has regrouped with some fresh faces wielding the proverbial baton in ways that recall its more daring era.”